Thursday, December 13, 2012

Let's Talk About... The Power of 'Thank You'

In many religions, national traditions, and in every day life, we are taught to be thankful. We are taught the a simple, 'Thank You' can turn a day, or even a life, around!
I try to put this into effect wherever I go... even at Walmart!
Yes, I know, Wally's World? Why?

Well, Tom and I go there a ton for their produce. Not only is it cheap, it tastes good, and they (apparently, mind you) buy locally. Anyways, I always try to strike up a conversation with the cashier. Tom tries to tell me it's embarrassing but he's just jealous that I'm so outgoing (or so I tell myself).
The cashier that night had a very sad air about her and, as I asked her how she was, her eyes teared up and she said, "Not so great."
I told her that I was sorry for that, and ended up talking to her a bit. Turns out that her grandmother was in the hospital and she was very worried about her, but her supervisor wouldn't let her have even 15 minutes to just chill out and relax. She was close to bursting into tears, so I grabbed a Caramilk bar from the candy bar rack and put it on the conveyor belt. Tom looked at me and was like, "You can't have chocolate!" 
I told the girl that it was for her to get her through her shift and she smiled and asked if I was sure. Of course I was sure about a $2.00 candy bar for someone having such a terrible night!
She smiled and said thanks and finished processing the rest of our groceries. 
After we paid, I said, "Thank you! You did a great job!"
The smile on her face warmed my little heart and I had a comparable smile on my own face.

Moral of this story is that no, I am not a saint, but by saying "Thank you" and seeing even the tiniest smile on her face and knowing that, even if for a moment, I did something to help her out... then that's what it's all about! Plus, I got a warm feeling from it which is fabulous as well.

Challenge yourself today! Say "Thank You" to everyone you meet and watch the positivity and love take flight!

Thank you for reading!

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