Start your day the happy way!
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections!" - Author Unknown

I am slowly learning this. In my Western world, a high level of stress has become a sort of status symbol, too much value is placed on material goods, and stiff competition can be found anywhere you turn... so, it has been hard. However, I am happy when I am not stressed, and I must seek to eliminate this stress! So, I am not putting value in such things that lead me to stress.
This is where I try not to "sweat the small stuff" and take everything as a learning opportunity. I must honour others' opinions as I trust that they would do mine, but I must also learn that sometimes there are those who do not want to hear my opinions. As my mother would say, "FILTERS!"
I am happier now than I ever have been because I am learning (always learning!) to not take things personally, be patient and tolerant, and not sweat the small stuff. Do not feel the need to compete constantly, and get into a happy state of mind with your life and your position in life!
It has been said that the happiest people are the people who have next to nothing; while they do not have an excess in material goods or money, they have faith, or love, or family, or hope.
Let's make a mantra:
"I am happy with myself."
"I am at a good place within."
"I will not take things personally."
"I am in a happy state of mind."
"I have the opportunity to learn and grow."
For this, I am grateful.
I am grateful.
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